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Preserving - Fruits, vegetables, and herbs

This has taken quite a bit of thought.  And we don't have it down yet.  But we've been experimenting with different processes and finding out what makes sense for us.  

A couple of products that have been helpful for us are:

Storage Rack - This has been a great help for all the potatoes, onions and gords that we harvested.

Dehydrator - for dehydrating herbs

Food Saver - for vacuum packing for freezing


Below is a link to a Martha Stewart video on preserving herbs which gave me quite a few ideas.  

     Martha Stewart Video Link - Preserving Herbs

The other resource we use for preserving fruits and vegetables is an article from Mother Earth News.  I hope you find it helpful.  

     Mother Earth News Link - Preserving Fruits and Vegetables


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Save on vacuum sealers from Meatprocessingproducts.com - Shop now!